Vocs May (84 Profiles)
Seeking to recreate the sound of an Vox VBM1 Brian May Signature
60 Studio Profiles + 8 Cover Profiles + 16 Direct Profiles
Seeking to recreate the sound of an Vox VBM1 Brian May Signature
60 Studio Profiles + 8 Cover Profiles + 16 Direct Profiles
Yes, this time we profiled a little gem, the amazing Vox VBM1. This compact amp was designed trying to reproduce the sharp and uncommon tone of the Decay amp (made by John Deacon using an old radio parts) used in almost every Queen record.
The Choptones “Vocs May” studio profiles pack contains 60 Studio profiles, 16 Direct profiles and 8 Custom Made profiles tailored to reach the tone of some of the best Queen tunes, including:
- Bohemian Rhapsody (rhythm and two leads)
- Hammer to fall
- I want it all
- Tie your mother down
- One Vision
- Keep yourself alive
Cabinets :
- Vox VBM1
- Vox 2x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Blue, G12M
- Fender 1x12 loaded with Celestion Alnico Blue
- Custom 1x12 loaded with Jensen C12K
Mics :
- Shure SM57, SM7
- Sennheiser MD421, e609
- AKG C414
- Beyedynamic M160
- Neumann KM84, U87
- Audiotechnica AT2035
- Royer R121
Boosted with
- Marshall Bluesbreaker
- Mesa Flux Drive
- Mesa Five Band EQ
- MXR Berzerker OD
- Boss OD1
- Ibanez TS9