Metal Update Vol.2 for Line6 POD HD 500 / 500X / PRO / PRO X / BEAN (Desktop)
In this new pack we engineered 15 Metal custom patches using some of the new amp simulation
- 80's Solid State Amp
- 80's Solo
- 80's Thrash
- 800 Metal Rhy
- 800 Rhy 1
- 800 Aggro Solo
- 5051 Aggro Rhy
- Bullseyed Solo
- Fat Aggro
- Line6 Solo
- Purge Aggro Rhy
- Rhy Aggro1
- Rhy Aggro2
- Southern Rhy
- Tone4Doom
N.B. You need HD Model Pack - Metal Pack enabled in your POD for use this patches!