Fend GBenHR Just Play for Headrush Prime
Choptones Amp Clones Packs are now ready for Headrush Prime, providing you the pure tone of your favorite amp without the weight and price of the actual ones, but keeping the feel of an analog rig.
Inspired by the rich, buttery tones of the Fender George Benson Hot Rod Deluxe amp, this Choptones Fend GBen HR Headrush Prime Amp Clones pack serves up a tantalizing buffet of precisely modeled tones for your use. Dialing in now becomes a tour through Benson's sonic universe, characterized by its lush cleans and smooth, creamy overdrives.
The Fend GBenHR Just Play Pack includes:
- 20 Amp Clones (Amps, Cabs and microphones)
- 20 Headrush Prime presets (4 scenes each one) based on Choptones Amp Clones.