Cus PT50 (138 Profiles)
Seeking to recreate the sound of a Custom Audio Amplifiers PT-50 Pete Thorn Signature
Whether you're looking for "Crunch" or you're looking for "Clean", the Cus PT50 (seeking to recreate the tone of a Custom Audio Amplifier Suhr PT-50 Pete Thorn signature) is the amplifier you need. The PT-50 is a 3-channel tube amp, which includes an EL34. It was made to deliver an array of tones without overpower.
112 Studio Profiles + 26 Direct Profiles
Cabinets :
- Marshall 1960 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30, G12T75, G1250
- Friedman 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M, V30
- Mesa Boogie 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30, Lynchback
- Engl 4x12 loaded with Celestion V60
- EVH 5150III 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
- Zilla Custom Fatboy 2x12 loaded with Celestion Creamback M65
- Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion V-Type
- Fender 1x12 loaded with Jensen C12K
Mics :
- Shure SM57, SM7, SM58
- Sennheiser MD421, e609, e906
- Royer R121
- Beyerdynamic M160
- Audix i5
- Neumann U87, KM184
- Heil PR30
- Audiotechnica AT2035
Boosted with
- Fulltone OCD
- Ibanez TS9
- Mesa Grid Slammer
- Mesa Flux Drive
- Boss SD1 TS808 Mod
- Boss OD1
- Paul Cochrane Timmy
- Suhr Riot
- Marshall Bluesbreaker