Bogie F100 (175 Profiles)
Seeking to recreate the sound of a Mesa Boogie F100
160 Studio Profiles + 15 Direct Profiles
Cabinets :
- Mesa Boogie 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30, V-Type, Lynchback
- Engl 4x12 loaded with Celestion V60
- EVH 5150III 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12EVH
- Soldano 4x12 loaded with Eminence Legend V12
- Marshall 4x12 loaded with Celestion V30, G12M
- Hughes&Kettner 4x12 loaded with Celestion G12M
- Marshall 4x12 loaded with Scumback M75
- Custom Audio Amplifiers 4x12 loaded with Celestion Creamback 75
- Marshall 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30, G12T75
- Mesa Boogie 2x12 loaded with Celestion V30
Mics :
- Shure SM57, SM7
- Royer R121
- Sennheiser MD421, MD21, MD441
- Neumann U87
- Audix i5
- Heil PR30
- Beyerdynamic M160
Boosted with
- Fulltone OCD
- Ibanez TS9
- MXR Modified OD
- MXR Wylde OD
- Mesa Grid Slammer
- Mesa Flux Drive
- Digitech Bad Monkey
- Boss SD1 TS808