How to Load Patches and IRs in Amplitube 5

Posted by Livio Colucci on

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of your Amplitube 5 software? Today, we'll demonstrate how to load patches and impulse responses (IRs) in Amplitube 5 — a process that will give your tones some extra sparkle and depth!

First, let's see where you can find some quality patches and IRs to boost your Amplitube 5 experience:

  • Patches: Link
  • Impulse Responses (IRs): Link
  • Amplitube 5 Software: Link

Step 1: Locate your Amplitube 5 Presets Folder

Amplitube 5 presets are ".at5p" files and can typically be found in the following directories on your computer:

  • Windows: C:\Users\{YOUR_USERNAME}\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5\Presets
  • Mac: /Documents/IK Multimedia/AmpliTube 5/Presets

Step 2: Load Patches

To add new patches, simply download the desired presets from your chosen source (utilizing the affiliate links provided) and move the ".at5p" files into the Presets folder mentioned above.

Once you've placed the files in the Presets folder, restart Amplitube 5. The presets should now appear within the software under the "Custom Shop Presets" category.

Step 3: Load Impulse Responses (IRs)

  1. Download IRs from your favorite provider (using the affiliated link above), and keep note of where you downloaded the impulse response (IR) files, typically in ".wav" format.
  2. Open Amplitube 5 and navigate to the Cabinet section within the software. You can also select a preset and then head over to the Cabinet section.
  3. To load an impulse response, select the 'User IR' option.
  4. Click on an empty slot, then use the built-in file browser to locate and load the IRs downloaded earlier. Now you're all set!

By loading patches and importing IRs into Amplitube 5, you're customizing the software to suit your preferences and expanding your sonic pallete. Happy tone shaping!

Check our video tutorial!


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